We are excited to announce that Indumetal Recycling will sponsor the catamaran Teïs belonging to the association: « Pour… » within the race: Rallye Ile du soleil www.rallye-ilesdusoleil.com/
It is a race through the Atlantic that promotes sport and cordiality within a wonderful marine environment in two stages.
Part of the funds contributed to the « Pour… » association will go to the following non-governmental associations:
The “Ferdinand” association aims to fight against the damage caused by drunk driving among young people. In parallel with the public authorities, the specificity of the association is to deal with the subject in a singular way with the help of singers, journalists, scriptwriters… President: Patrick Chesnais
The “Ecomores” association develops personalized economic aid projects in the Comoros archipelago. Personalized aid refers to the financing of two years of training for a young person. President: Xavier Fraud.
The “Alzheimer’s” association It is not necessary to present this association. Its main mission is to give life to 4 words Listen-Support-Advise-Help. President: Arlette Meyrieux
The objective of the “Aster” association is to provide voluntary technical assistance in the field of the built environment to developing countries, in order to improve the living conditions of populations… President: Michel Rastoul
The most outstanding milestones of this sponsorship will take place on the following dates:
- May 2022: The construction of the Teïs catamaran begins
- March 2023: Teïs is launched
- From April to October 2023: Teïs is trained in the Mediterranean and then goes to the Balearic Islands, the Azores archipelago, the Madeira archipelago, and the Canaries archipelago to be ready for the first race between La Palma Canary Island and Mindelo in Cape Verde.
- The second race will be between Cape Verde and Marie Galante, an island near Guadeloupe.
Soon we will be giving more details and providing more information on the progress of the different phases, and we will provide links to be able to follow the development of the race and the Teïs boat live.
At Indumetal Recycling we love nature, the sea in its purest form and also promoting non-governmental organizations involved in projects that help a more balanced society.